
Stay Young with collagen and celebrate Colway International's 9th birthday with us!

Stay Young with collagen and celebrate Colway International's 9th birthday with us!

Colway International The Collagen Company is a collagen company because collagen is where it all began.... It was thanks to a breakthrough discovery by Polish scientists that made it possible to create a masterpiece, a one-of-a-kind product - temperature-resistant native collagen, that is collagen that does not lose its properties even at high or low temperatures.


Feel Great! Take care of your well-being in spring – the spring offer

Feel Great! Take care of your well-being in spring – the spring offer

Spring is a special time when we should pay more attention to our health and well-being. Late March/early April is the time of the spring equinox. This is the time when winter gives way to spring, the days are already noticeably longer and we experience more sunshine, but on the other hand we notice a drop in mood, reduced energy, sleeping problems or feeling drowsy, a loss of appetite or poor concentration.
